Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prayer for protection from imperfect appointees

(NOTIFICATION: follow the links only at your own risk. Attached only as proof to those well meaning Obama supporters who would believe this is not true.)

Father, please protect the Obama Administration from appointees that would be detrimental to positive elements in and for the United States. Today we think about the possible ramifications of Kevin Jennings, the Safe School Czar. Lord we lift up to you his soul and pray that, if he is not already, that he be saved by the blood of Jesus. Lord we know that you love this man and that you wish to spend eternity with him. Please give our President the opportunity to share with Mr. Jennings the way of Salvation as best he can, but Lord please protect us and our children from his social views. Father, you know him. The former GLSEN Executive Director who sponsored events which outlined explicit content to the children of Massachusetts. Lord, this thinking is not condusive to the safe schools we want. Lord, please bring to President Obama's attention the perversions of your ideal that these conferences brought to the hearts and mind of our children. Father this is not right. Lord Jesus this is not Just. Dear God this will bring our children only confusion. Father, please protect our President before this comes to full view of the public. Let him correct this oversight quickly. And Father, let the President be gracious and merciful to Mr. Jennings and perhaps share with him the Love of Jesus.

(There is no legitimate counter-point here. The information Mr. Jennings has supported and espoused through GLSEN is simply and strenuously inappropriate to the kids for which he allowed it to be delivered.)