Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prayer for protection from appointees that can kill Health care Reform

Father as the President prepares for his State of the Union speech today we ask that you would awaken him to the time and attention that must be given to his appointees. Lord, so much to do and so little time to do it in. I pray that you will guide him in a way that respects your declaration in Jer 1:5. As he figures out how to get congress back on track and into a bi-partisan discussion of health care reform we ask that some hard working assistant will realize how detrimental a nominee for the office of legal counsel like Dawn Johnsen can be to his administration and it's pursuit of health care reform - particularly as it relates to government and it's relationship to abortion. Lord, I don't understand how any individual that believes that becoming pregnant is akin to slavery - can be expected to have the judgement required to win favor with a just people. Children - as you say - are a blessing. Father, Ms. Johnsen's contention to the Supreme Court that "...Statutes curtail [a women's] abortion choice are disturbingly suggestive of involuntary servitude prohibited by the thirteenth amendment..." or that women are constantly aware when pregnant "...that her body is not wholly her own: the state has conscripted her body for it's own ends..." (amicus Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, 492 US 490, 1989, No. 88-605)

Certainly judgment that compares pregnancy to slavery is NOT what we need in this administration. Protect him from this unnecessary diversion by removing her from consideration.