Sharia Law is the "religious" law of the Muslim Faith - "a road the path to the watering hole". Given through Alla's prophets and (mainly) Muhammad. Muslim's like to call it the Science of understanding. What is the definition of crime in Islam? Rules according to action. You can be guilty by omission or commission. If you don't do something prescribed - punishment. If you do something prohibited - punishment. This is rule of law in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia. It is possible that this law could reach all over if the United States if our government grants the right of Sharia "enclaves" in the US these rules of law will exist here as well! Where are they now?: Baltimore, Little Rock, Philadelphia in fact at last count there are Islamic enclaves of some sort in every state in the Union! Sharia is a methodology by which people are indoctrinated into emulating the prophets words and actions. The foundation of everything they do, educate, work, play, marry, have kids is rooted in Jihad. Jihad is how they move the theology forward. They are no interested in "converts" they are interested in the supremacy of Islam only - by force - not by choice.
The United States has a difficult time managing this concept because we like to accommodate a so called separation of church and state. Does Islam demand it's right to worship "rightly" according to the constitution? We tend to want to say "Yes", and apply the "right" because we see it as a religious (and not Christian) and we are "tolerant". However, a devout Muslim will see Islam as above every other law, including - perhaps especially - the constitution. If we allow this, be sure that Islam can function only for a limited time within the constructs of the US constitution. It will only do so in order to achieve an eventual "greater authority" over the US constitution. Therefore, "if it doesn't hurt or infringe on my freedoms" we think to ourselves, "more power to you." The problem with this idea as it relates to Islam, however, is that outside of "cafeteria" Islamists - most of which are peacful - the Koran does not allow for the Muslim faith to be politically neutral. Islam is a political theology and it's reach and authority supersedes all others. the Muslim Faith = a socio-political, socio-economic, socio-religious system enshrined in theological rhetoric. Religious view is only par of the story: it's a gov't, it's a state, it's a political movement. Unlike Christianity it is not based upon choice. Islam alone is true, and you are temporally punishable - by men - whether you choose to believe it or not. "Temporally punishable" - meaning - the leaders of Islam don't have to let God be your judge, they are happy to do it themselves. Judge, jury and executioner. We ignore this at our peril. Islam does not believe in Equal justice under the Law and must crush the notion entirety. How will they do this - they will assert their religious rights in order to take away yours. Britain has already established some experience with Sharia Law. They have had muslim enclaves for many years. What started as an accommodation has become a right. Britain has 50 Islamic Courts running up and down the country of Britain. There is an entire parallel society running a state within the state, a country within a country and it is functioning legally against the loop holes. In America we have this because they have studied the laws of the Amish communities that have run parallel societies for years. Rights being granted - Islam see as weakness on the part of the American system of Laws. This is the reason why they believe that the American constitution will become subservient to political theology.
Shari'a. Coming to a city near you!
It's also coming to a business near you. Keep your eye out for the term "Sharia Compliant".
Shari'a compliant means that you invest and do business in a way that is acceptable by Sharia Law. A business has have to have a certificate from an expert to become a Sharia compliant expert - there are no more than 300 or 400 experts because they keep their numbers low. Consequently, they are very well paid. Bin Laden and the other terrorists are toys as compared to the power that these "experts" have and the damage that they are able to move forward through willing participation in Shari'a compliance. It's amazing what we'll give up to make a lot of money. To be compliant you must acknowledge the supremacy of Islam. They seek financial supremacy through these laws. These monies represent trillions and trillions of dollars. Here are a few things they would prohibit at the expense of death: weapons, gambling, pornography - not so bad right? Also, infidel's (that's you and me), women's rights, gay rights, freedom to live and work and worship as you choose. Namely, they will limit choice. These are all casualties of the Islamic faith. If you don't accept Islam as it is - the alternative is War.
Islamic business requires that a portion of the sale be applied to what amounts to a tithe. The Dow Jones now has what they call the Dow Jones Islamic Index. Islamic entities now own about 46% of the London Stock exchange. By 2012 the majority owners of the London Stock exchange will be Islam and the finances will be going through Shari'a law certification. Even our own banks are getting into Shari'a compliant activities. And there's more.
Some of the biggest names in American business are required to do business through Shari'a compliance: KFC, McDonald's, Walmart - our biggest corporation's are complying for market reasons.
Shari'a. Coming to a business near you!
Currently the US government is promoting "Sharia" based constitutions all across the world. Democracy has largely come to mean "any government" the people "choose". All over the world the US gov't is backing these Shari'a backed constitution. They believe that free exercise of religion is a direct threat to their belief.
What is the aim? Is it just to practice their rights? Or is it working toward supremacy? What a good Islamic adherent must do is practice "good". That means practicing Islamic doctrine: no other religion, no freedom, no choice. Not helping the poor, the orphans or the widows. Act justly? nah. Love mercy? nope. Walk humbly before God? Don't think so.
Some say, as long as Sharia is not being applied to us we are ok. Shari'a won't be implemented. However, if there Muslims in this country who are living and dying and marrying and procreating, doing business and leaving inheritances then Sharia is being implemented. But we need to recognize that in considering it with respect to the constitution of the US it does not "fit" because it seeks to replace the constitution as a political system - Islam in it's truest form is a political theology. Islam speaks of a doctrine of "Allegiance and Rejection. This doctrine holds that allegiance must NEVER be to a non-Muslim.
Look some of the things that Sharia Law - and hence - the Muslim faith, would prohibit are things that I would wholeheartedly agree do not represent the best for mankind. In my view, God's rule book agrees in many cases with what Sharia would enforce. Where the danger lies, is that Christ would ask that YOU make the choice to live according to his standards. Christ would say "trust" me and choose to live as I intended you to live. (That is, according to scripture.) Sharia Law seeks to impose this "moral code" upon mankind in a way that God never intended. Sharia Law must become less. Through Christ, those who practice Sharia can know freedom. If we are to maintain our freedom we must help those them know freedom.