Greed is not good. It is sin. And sin is a REALITY. The genius of our system of gov't is that it takes this biblical truth into account and pits these "power" tendencies against one another. (3 branches of government/seperation of powers/checks and balances)
It is also the reason why we must be very careful when we rely on an a-moral government system to control industry, healthcare, financial and social constructs of our society. All of which our gov't is doing. Once gov't is - debate is squelched, and with no struggle for power the ruling elite begin to, well, RULE, instead of govern. Listen for the crecendo about how representative governement is "structurally flawed" for the 21st century, when in fact it is doing exactly what it should.
Especially if Obamacare is voted down. Lose representative government and that is a big problem no matter who we are: democrat, repub or inde. We are veering dangerously close to that.
IMHO we have the greatest government system since the Israelites walked away from the "kingless" system of judges in I Samuel chapter 8 against God's wishes. (albeit for "good reason"; the judges (samuels heirs) were corrupt). Even still, God had another plan, and warned them what would happen (8:11-18 it wasn't pretty) and finally threw up his (figurative) hands and said, "...give 'em a king." (8:21). Interestingly, he told Samuel they reject this not because they don't like you (the system, Samuel/Judges), but because "they have rejected me." Could this speak to America today?
Private citizens, (particularly US Christians, in my view) in our comparable wealth should be: helping the poor, orphans and widows, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, teaching the young (and this means voluntarily financing it too), encouraging the downtrodden - we abdicated that responsibility to our government. In place of the above we have welfare, food stamps to the hungry, Medicaid to the sick (and soon who knows?), public schools to teach, unemployment compensation for the downtrodden all of which are well intentioned, poorly managed and incredibly inefficient in comparison to private efforts. Which is why Jesus parable (WARNING: opinion alert) had the "good samaritan", an individual, provide health care, not the Samarian Government. A nation of citizens premised on this "citizen action" would require NO government assistance.
Instead we have abdicated those responsibilities to a government all too willing to take power and to "...lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." (8:20) Shame on us.
Maybe today is the day that we pledge OUR "...lives, fortunes and sacred honor..." for justice instead of just prosperity. God help us if we expect the government to do it for us.