Monday, January 25, 2010

Really good One term President

Much focus was given today to President Obama and his interview with Diane Sawyer where he indicated that he would rather be a "...really good, one term President than a mediocre two term President...".

This statement begs so many questions, not the least of which is: "Does democracy, by it's very nature even allow for a "really good" President? If the standard by which all Presidents are judged is the American people then it stands to reason that the only benchmark is to win over a simple majority of their vote. More importantly the statement begs this question: "What exactly does the 44th President think a 'Really good' President is?" Is it intuitive that if you are a "really" good President that you will get re-elected? A really good President, presumably is one that better than half of the US voting public-through a delegate system- would choose to put into office - a second time. Yet President Obama seems to have the view that it is possible that a "really good President" might actually not be re-elected. Is it possible that he thinks that what he is doing, in spite of the will of the American people, is right and that a majority of the people aren't smart enough to realize it? Hence, he would be a "really good President" but the masses are simply ignorant. There is a larger point here however, that the President makes and it is this: A President should be guided by his principals. This President is doing what, any thinking individual that took the time to research understood. He is governing largely from the left-the far left. I knew this, many blogged about it and we chose him. Whether it was out of enthusiasm of the vote or apathy to not vote, We the people, chose this man. I believe that it was President Obama that stated in his book Audacity of Hope, that "I am new enough on the national political screen that I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripe project their own views." He was remarkably up front about this...if you don't like it quit whining and DO something, if you do like it -- enjoy it while you can. We thought about his views on this blog, even doing a full review of the communist manifesto as primer on where we might be headed.

So here is the PCP(point-counterpoint), an American President IS elected to govern, NOT to get re-elected. President Obama is correct. The point of our system, which has checks and balance in governing and checks and balances in election, is that a good President is a balanced President. The IDEAL is he who has the judgment to govern in a way that-where possible-is myopically focused upon steering us away from polarization, where not possible-stands courageously firm on the principles for which he was elected and in ANY case acknowledges that in the United States, so long as God will's it, the People decide. As long as the people remain involved...and the 3 branches of government don't stray too far outside it's constitutional mandate(arguably a threshhold we crossed long ago), the system will weed out those who fall short of this ideal. President Obama is right, let's just hope that he is forever willing to respect the checks and balances that are designed to