Tuesday, November 07, 2006

To Vote or not to Vote...is that the Question?

As Plato so aptly stated, "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." For many of us the primary election in 2008 may leave us feeling as if our only choice is between "inferiors." However, not choosing at all, as some evangelicals suggest, is not an option. (I know, 2006 is a bit early for any normal citizen to be thinking of such things, but such is the fate of one addicted to such things.)

While I vehemently reject the notion that the Republican Party is somehow synonymous with Christianity, the fact is the Democratic and Republican Party platforms represent two very distinct and opposite views of reality; one of these comes more closely in line with the biblical view of reality while the other denies the biblical view on almost every major social issue concerning a Christ follower. From abortion and euthanasia to homosexuality and marriage. Furthermore the American political reality is a two-party system in which the most control will go to the party with the majority in Congress.

Neither of these political parties is perfect, far from it, and to some extent in 2008 voters are left to choose between the lesser of two evils. As followers of Christ we must therefore base our decisions in the voting booth on this reality and choose according to a sound theological understanding of the issues and put that party into power whose public policies most closely reflect the biblical life and world view.

Frankly this should be a no-brainer. Not that I don't believe a Democrat can be a Christian, they'll just figure out the Truth when they get to heaven. As the old saying goes, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven"...right? We all have our faults. Christians cannot in good conscience and with biblical consistency support a political party whose platform insists upon the dogmatic defense of abortion on demand. Christians cannot in good conscience and with biblical consistency support a political party whose platform encourages the normalization of homosexual behavior and the subsequent destruction of traditional marriage. Christians cannot in good conscience and with biblical consistency support a political party whose platform advocates terminating the life of the aged, infirmed and terminally ill. And, Christians cannot in good conscience and with biblical consistency support a party whose platform perverts the First Amendment in order to exclude religion from the public square.

There may be a number of lesser issues upon which good Christians can disagree regarding the respective party platforms but these core issues are simply non-negotiable in my view, for the Christ follower.

Does this mean that the Republican Party is the party that honors God in everything it does, certainly not! But such is the case with political structures composed of sinful men. The issue again is one of choosing the "best" party on the basis of its stated values and political platform as tested against the biblical standard and not our personal feelings about this candidate or that candidate. The party who controls Congress will appoint federal judges and most likely one more Supreme Court Justice. The issues confronting this nation today are of vital importance to the future of our civilization and, I would say, the continued freedom of the Church. Christians simply must stand up and be counted, cast their votes on the basis of thorough biblical reasoning.

It is as Churchill said,

"Many forms of Government have been
tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been tried from time to time."

As temporary citizens in "the worst form of government" who live with the hope of Christ's perfect rule and reign; we are bound by moral obligation to our neighbor and our King to participate in the constructive governance of our society and nation. So with this understanding we vote and we vote our conscience. A conscience informed by Scripture.

Inaction, apathy and complacency will not "send a message" to wayward Republican candidates; it will only empower those whose public policies oppose the Truth. So plug your nose, and vote!