Sunday, April 13, 2008

China's "great" Rise

"Anti-Americanism will disappear as Europeans realise how much better it was to have a world super power that was a democracy (however flawed) not a dictatorship."

We in the states don't understand that as we continue to suck up China's loans and consumer goods...while leveraging foreign oil supplies rather than our own - it is only a matter of time before they leverage our "fat and happy" appetites by cutting us off and sending us into chaos. Hegel spoke of controlling history by creating just such chaos. China has a great "opportunity" (in their eyes) to open up its markets and make America "rich" strategically, and they will just as quickly turn off the spiggot and quash their own "ascending middle class" to force us into submission. The ruling elite could careless about their own people, why would we think that they can be trusted as a strong, primary trade partner. Whoa to US should the Chinese (ruling elite) and a handful of mid east states join forces. Caveat Emptor.