Sunday, January 20, 2008

"...No Longer a Christian Nation..."

I have to say that the rise of Barak Hussein Obama may well be one of the most intriguing political stories of my lifetime. Not that the unique nature of this political season is fallen by the wayside. Nor that the concerns wrought by the current republican administration aren't important. A seemingly self-righteous administrative process my result in a possibly less responsible (and perhaps less experienced) democratic alternative. I have been a staunch supporter of GWB. I have articualted my concerns in prior submissions. On the face of it, whether I like it or not, there is a very strong possibility that the next administration will be one of the democratic pesuasion. Imagine my chagrine and concern then to hear these words from Barack Obama. "The dangers of sectarianism are greater than ever, whatever we once were, we are no longer a christian nation, at least not 'just'; we are also a jewish nation, a muslim nation and a buddhist nation and a hindu nation and a nation of unbelievers..." (see link below at 8:03)

With oratory capabilities, unparalled in my life time, I sat amazed as did so many others watching him as the key note at the 2004 democratic convention. Like Ronald Reagan before him, Obama does captivate. Unlike, Ronald Reagan he does so with an academic tone. A thoroughness, less folksy and more sophisticated presentation that resonates like Reagan, but in a different way. Seeing his victory speech in Iowa and the democratic debates one appreciates a gifted man. Watching crowds inexplicably mesmerized by his words, in spite of seemingly shallow experience, turns a curiosity on which is difficult to explain without causing disbelief among those who know me. The statement titled above by Obama, though stunned me. To see a politician at the highest level in US politics boldly proclaim that we are no longer a "christian nation" struck me in a painful way. Everything within me wanted to decry such a statement...

But how can one argue?

It is now a very real possibility that we will have a democratic nominee who identifies with my faith in Jesus, yet promotes conceptually that we "...are not a christian nation...". Add to that a possible republican nominee who identifies with a faith that our culture, at least until this year has general defined as a cult.

If our choices become one of these two individuals or both, then I suspect that is evidence towards the statement being accurate. Shame on us... Our goal as christians, then should be to change that? DeToqueville very eloquently mentioned the opinion that American society would last only as long as America remained a moral people. The question now must be, how long can we remain "moral", if our morality is guided by an ethos other than that of scripture? We know the Truth: with no foundation in God's word "...every man does that which is right in his own eyes..." Proverbs 21:2. Unfortunately, outside of scripture we can't all be right. I dare say that in some regard the tendency of the church to abdicate its responsibility to "...act justly, and love mercy and to walk humbly before your God..." may in fact create a defacto obligation for governmental intervention. Where there is less responsibility, there is more government. Where there is more governement, there is less freedom. Will we begin to take back that responsibility, or continue to loose freedom? Only time will tell. Lord help us. Prov.21:1

For context see Part 1,2,3 and 4 of Obama's Call to Renewal presentation.

***UPDATE*** for some reason the entire Call to Renewal Speech is no longer available on YouTube. Too bad because the context offers interesting topic of debate about the wanna-be President.